My inspiration /Motivation of the day:
"Don't worry about being better than others.Focus on being better than yourself"
To be better than yourself can happen when you have a strong sense of yourself
Being yourself is living an authentic life. Many times we try to emulate the behavior of others because as we grow up the pressure of family, society, friends, etc cause us to move away from who we really are.
Being yourself means Loving yourself. Put yourself first but not in a selfish/self centered way.
-Loving yourself means stop criticizing yourself. People often refer to themselves as being perfectionists. It can be a very destructive way to live when you set yourself up for being perfect. Nobody is and can ever be ,perfect.However setting obtainable goals for yourself is a different story.
-Loving yourself means stop scaring yourself. What a terrible way to live when we terrorize ourselves with frightful thoughts and making situations worse than what they are.
-Loving yourselves means be gentle,kind and patient with yourself. When making a mistake,stop beating yourself up for it.Find a way to forgive yourself,forgive the situation and forgive the parties involved.Remember we all make mistakes. Mistakes can be stepping stones when we are willing to learn and grow from it.
When you don't succeed in something the first time,support yourself.Let it go and move on or try again.
-Loving yourself means praising yourself. Praise yourself often when doing something right.Be your biggest fan."Praise builds the inner spirit up and criticism breaks it down"We don't need to wait for somebody to tell us how awesome we are. Tell yourself often how AMAZINGLY AWESOME you are.
-Loving yourself means supporting yourself. Understand your needs and ask for help.Know that Life is there to support you.You never have to feel helpless and alone.Support yourself by asking for help when needed.You'll be surprise how friendly the Universe is
.-Loving yourself means loving your negatives.They are all part of who you are.Embrace them. Remember there is only one YOU.You are special.Trying to be like somebody else will never last because you were meant to be you.
Thank you for reading xoxo !!