Wednesday, September 07, 2016

So many of you have been exposed to me blogging about hair products or even hair tools.
Today, however, my blog is about, a very different hair product i.e. hair extensions! We've all seen those badly sewn in hair extensions, which you can notice is false from a mile away. Well, let me tell you about this awesome clip in extensions - the quality hair used to make these  extensions are amazing. It could so easily pass for your own hair! And that is possible because it is 100% Remy human hair.
I simply loved this adorable box that the hair arrived in! It made me feel irresistible without even having to put the extensions in. Adding length to my hair has definitely made me feel irresistible. The great thing about their website is that you have to answer 5 easy questions with the click of a button and they will suggest which length, thickness, color and weight will suit you.
I choose Jet Black#1 since it is so close to my natural hair color and I wanted to add some length to my luscious locks, therefore chose the 24-inch length. These extensions are so easy to clip in, you don't need another pair of hands to help you to clip them in.
For anyone who has never used clip in hair extensions before, this is the perfect starter kit for you. Each set of extensions comprises of 10, 8 or 7 pieces of hair in different widths, depending on the weight that you choose.
 This is done in order to be able to add weight and length to your whole head. The thickness of the hair decreases slightly towards the ends, just like normal hair does, giving you and those looking at you, the perception that it is your own  hair.
 I am sure you are wondering how to take care for the clip in extensions. Well, it is as easy as unclipping them from your own hair, washing and styling them as you would do to your own hair. It is as easy as pie:) You can go a step further to color your extensions and cut them to suit your own natural hair.
Before opening the package, there are clear instructions on how to open it up as well as what condition the extensions should be in if you wish to return it.
Visit their website here:
Shop my clip-in extensions here:
 Happy shopping!!
Thank you for reading !!xoxo

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